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Friday, October 15, 2010

Mushroom Adventure

We finally got some rain. It wasn't very much, but you could tell it had rained. I don't particularly like everything all wet and soupy, but we do need the rain and it didn't rain all day. In fact the sun was out shortly after I ate breakfast.

This one, I'm saving for a background, lol.

 I didn't get to enjoy my everything bagel this morning. I love the Food Lion bagels from the deli but they aren't fresh, they are frozen and thawed and once they do, they only last about 3 or 4 days. I can never eat them before they spoil, since I only eat a half each day. I don't think I will waste my money anymore. I will just have to settle for some other brand. Instead of my everything bagel, I had a pink ribbon(cherry vanilla) bagel from Panera smothered with peanut butter and topped with some dried cranberries. I wish I'd had some dried cherries. They are bigger and better, but I do love dried cranberries.  

 For lunch, I had what was left of my spinach and cheese ravioli, cut up on a large salad with some shredded mozzarella and greek salad dressing.  I just remembered I have a package of the Good Seasons Italian dressing mix and I had been doing without thinking I needed to get some. I like to make my own dressings, although I do have some store bought favorites and the dressing mix packets are a great back up, if you can remember you have them, lol.

After lunch I decided to go for a walk outside. I have been walking my dogs down beside the house. There are a lot of trees and frequently we see squirrels and rabbits. I figured I would walk there and see what was out, but I guess all the critters were hiding. Coming back,  I passed an old dead tree that is really just a tree trunk. The top was broken out years ago in a big ice storm we had. At the bottom of the tree, I saw these large clusters of orange mushrooms. You probably thought I meant the edible kind, when you saw the post title, sorry. Well, they were really beautiful or at least I think they are. Luckily I brought my camera so I can share my find with you. I hope you enjoy. 

It was a pretty good day, considering it was spent at home doing nothing special. I hope the food photos aren't too boring. I do like taking pictures and it gives me a chance to get familiar with my camera and so... I leave you with one more food photo. My vegetable lo mein and broccoli slaw.  BTW, the text for this blog seems too small to me, but the next size seems too large. If you, think it should be larger, let me know. Thanks.

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