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Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Dinner

A quick summary of yesterday, my Sunday and our Valentine dinner at Mom's.

For breakfast another bowl of strawberry yogurt, Special K, Kix cereal with sliced strawberries and pecans. (I am out of Cheerios) It seems very Valentine-y.

After breakfast, a lot of rushing around trying to get everything done at home that needs done and getting ready to go to Mom's. Sunday's are very rushed and not exactly relaxing for me. I usually like Monday, unlike most people, but today is hectic also, I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. 

Here's what was on the menu. First up, there was cubed steak & gravy and baked chicken. Excuse me if I get these wrong, the meat isn't what I'm there for. I also managed to miss shots of turkey breast and biscuits, which I didn't eat.

This is broccoli casserole. I immediately noticed my camera battery was almost dead, when starting to take pictures, so I just tried to get quick shots of as much as possible. (I still got quite a few.)

Corn casserole

Chickpea salad

Macaroni Salad


Fresh broccoli

Potato wedges

and roasted vegetables 

For dessert we had German Chocolate cake

and mini red velvet cup cakes.  

 My plate. My favorite part of todays dinner was the roasted veggies.

I had a small slice of the cake, which was good, but the icing was tough. I am a whippy icing kinda gal. It at least has to be soft to get a thumbs up from me.

The mini cupcakes were the best.  They passed with flying colors.

Here is my BIL modeling Lucas' mohawk hat that my Aunt Lynda made. Lucas is camera shy so we don't get many shots of him.
Dinner #2 was leftover salad with roasted vegetables, broccoli, Italian dressing and a navel orange.

A last minute addition of homemade croutons.

We had a great dinner and a lovely day, very sunny and fairly warm. Now I'm off to see what I can accomplish between now and this evening. Have a great day and Happy Valentines Day!

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