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Sunday, August 07, 2011

Carbs, The More I Eat, The More I Crave

It's a sleepy morning as usual. I missing my coffee today, wishing I had cup right now. I'm also distracted by Jack Hanna. I like watching him with animals. It's monkeys today.

I'm ready for breakfast. I haven't decided what I'll be having yet. I think I've been eating too many carbs lately. It's like a vicious cycle. The more I eat the more I crave. I know I need more fruits and veggies, but the craving for bread, snacks and sweets is almost constant. I need to wean myself. It's very hard to do. It's the food I seem to be surrounded by. It's especially hard when I hate to waste food.

Yesterday I had half a poppyseed and onion bagel from Panera. I believe these are even better than their everything bagels. The poppy seeds go all the way through the bagel.

I had cream cheese on my bagel. These would also be good with hummus or egg salad.

I munched on a few almonds before going to Mom's. We went early so that we could put down self stick tiles in the bathroom they are redoing. We were having Sunday dinner yesterday instead, so today will seem odd.

The almonds were Planters Flavor Grove, the cocoa and cinnamon flavors. These are so good. I could eat the whole bag. They are slightly sweetened with some dusted with cinnamon and the others dusted with cocoa. They are delicious.

I really hope they don't discontinue these. Sometimes I find something I like and then they discontinue it or it gets very hard to find. Has this ever happen to you? It's happened to me several times.

Mom had coffee when we got there, so I had a cup with cream & raw sugar, then we went to work on the bathroom floor. The center pieces went fairly quickly, it was the measuring around the corners and edges that was more difficult. 
I was getting hungry while doing the floor, too hungry. I sort of felt nauseous and light headed. I had an off camera dark chocolate w/ caramel and an oreo and kept right on working. Mom made use a sandwich, which I finally had to stop and eat. The sandwich had a veggie burger (I think it was a tomato basil burger) with lettuce tomato and mayo on a toasted sub roll. It was really good. I didn't hurt that I didn't have to make it, lol. I also had some pasta salad with my sandwich. I was really loading up on the carbs yesterday.

We had finished most of the floor when I stopped to eat. Some of us went to Yoder's and to the dollar tree, while Dale finished up the tiles around the toilet. It was a tight spot and no room for two to work. It turned out very nicely I think, so much nicer than the yellow floor that was there. I should have done before & after photos.
We had pineapple upside down cake for dessert.

We also had apple pie. I wasn't quick enough for this shot. You would think I would be better at this by now, but I have no brain.

I apparently run on sugar. This seemed so much smaller when I ate it than looking at the photo.

No wonder I had no room for pizza. I did manage a thin slice of cheese, but I wasn't all that hungry.

We sat and visited for a while and then packed up and headed home. I was tire and after uploading my photos, I got ready and went to bed. It was still late since I got a late start as usual. Two things I need to work on, getting started earlier on my blog work, so that I can get to bed earlier and cutting back on carbs. Thank God, we will be having Zumba this week. I need it everyday. Well, this is another late post, but I am going to work on that. Happy Sunday!


  1. Your Mom fixed me a bagel with almond butter. It is better when someone else fixes it.

  2. The leftover pineapple upside down cake was better than fresh. I hope poor old Bill will get a piece.

  3. The cake would also probably be even better with a little vanilla ice cream. Too bad I'm not trying to increase carb intake and I think I forgot my almond butter. I was looking forward to it.
