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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Dessert Or Breakfast, What's The Difference

Old habits die hard. Staying up too late again. Getting sidetracked first thing this morning does not help.

Anyway....Yesterday I had dessert for breakfast. I had the blueberry cornmeal cobbler with vanilla yogurt, since I don't have any vanilla ice cream. Actually I think this was better, more so if it had been Chobani or Dannon. It was the last of the My Essentials brand and I am not sorry.

Why isn't cobbler a breakfast food. What's the difference? I suppose most desserts aren't healthy, but this one's not so bad. It does have fruit and it wasn't terribly sweet; no worse than a muffin or a pancake and I topped it with yogurt. How can that be bad? (Except that the yogurt I used was runny, lol, and not a brand I prefer.)

For lunch there was leftover brown rice in the frig. I added a little frozen corn, heated the rice & corn in the microwave, chopped up some spinach and Roma tomatoes, threw in a little garlic & basil, and heated it a second time, just enough to wilt the spinach.

I don't normally add the basil or corn, but it was very good this way. This is one of my favorite ways to eat rice and a great way to use up spinach & tomato.

I had one of my coconut cream fruit bars for dessert. I picked these up at Aldi. It was pretty good, but Edy's is better. I would have been perfectly satisfied with it, had I never eaten one of Edy's. These are cheaper so it helped that I didn't expect it to be great and if you can't afford Edy's these are a great sub.

For dinner I revamped the macaroni salad. I added broccoli, red banana pepper, extra carrot and more coleslaw dressing and had it over a bed of spinach. This is my favorite way to eat macaroni salad.

I also added a little shredded colby/jack cheese, although I like the crumbles better. It's what I had and it was yummy either way.

After dinner I sat on the couch, ignoring the fact that I needed to upload photos until it was late. I was watching old movies on THIS channel, a local channel that shows old movies, etc. I was mostly fooling on the internet. I can't even remember the names of the movies. When I finally finished uploading the photos and was headed to bed Craig Ferguson came on. I like to watch Craig and he was doing his show from Paris, which was different, so I had to check it out. To me, it wasn't as good as normal, so I did cut it short and go to bed finally. I will have to work on monkeying around less and getting to bed earlier. 

Now since I have no yogurt, what to have for breakfast? Dessert maybe? What did you have? Have you had dessert for breakfast? You can tell me.
Happy Tuesday! BTW I have no Zumba this week so I will have to try and make up for it somehow, any suggestions?

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