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Thursday, December 09, 2010

Ready For Winter Meals

Same morning different day. Breakfast was a little different, but not much. I had the other half of my last gingerbread bagel, today with peanut butter, yet I did have dried cranberries on top it off and a tangerine on the side. I still hate the seeds, but the flavor of the tangerine was so much better than the orange, it was almost worth dealing with the seeds. Do they have seedless tangerines?

May back was a little better today, but I gave it another day of rest. I don't know about tomorrow. I don't think I can let the house go another day. It's looking like a tornado blew through here. I had wanted to put up a Christmas tree, but now I'm feeling sort of  "Bah Humbuggy".  I suppose I should put it up anyway and maybe I will feel better. I don't think I've had enough sun lately.

On to lunch....

Although, I had hoped I had seen the last of the leftovers yesterday, there was something still in the frig that needed to be eaten. I had really been looking forward to something different. I had nearly forgotten about the macaroni salad. I haven't been in the mood for it; actually, macaroni salad to me is a spring or summer food.

 I don't know about everyone else, but I eat differently in the fall and winter, than I do in the spring and summer. I do eat regular salad all year long, just not as frequently in the winter as in the summer. I tend to eat more cooked or heavy foods in the winter than raw or light foods. I suppose because I am cold natured and I want foods that warm me up. Well anyway, I added a little dried dill and lime juice to the macaroni, to change it up a little. It was much better, simply because it was different.

Now after talking about how I eat in the winter, I went and had a salad for dinner. The reason being that I had bought salad to have with my meals and then haven't really been in the mood for it or had leftovers that I was trying to do away with. I now have a bag of spinach and a bag of butter lettuce that I need to eat. I had the butter lettuce tonight with broccoli, carrots and radishes. I used ranch dressing which I kicked up a little with some dried dill, garlic, onion powder and Texas Pete.

After my salad, I had a cup of decaf and a donut, which I immediately regretted, the donut that is. I used to love Dunkin donut, but they seem really dry to me for some reason, even with coffee. I sucked down my great big cup of coffee just trying to get that donut down and then I was miserable. The plain cake donuts from Walmart are better. They may not be the best, but they are better than Dunkin's.

Where is the best place to get moist cake donuts?

Oh and btw, I got one of my free calendars today.

 See ya tomorrow.

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