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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas, It's Almost Over

Well, it's almost over. It's Christmas Eve day and by Sunday my stress level will have dropped dramatically. You know there are people who get super excited about Christmas, well I get super excited about the day after Christmas. It actually takes another week before you can tell it's over when you go out, because stores are still crowded with people making returns and spending Christmas money, but I know it's over and I love it. Is that so wrong? I'm sure, I'm not alone.

I slept pretty good last night, compared to how I've slept lately. I took my 1 mg melatonin about 30 minutes before bed. I took it early and went to bed early. I kind of went through the whole sleeping and waking up routine like normal, but I was never fully awake and went right back to sleep. I slept very deeply between waking, even dreaming, which is something I rarely do. I didn't feel supercharged this morning, but I did feel more rested. I think the fact that I have a head cold has a lot to do with that and I am hoping to sleep better tonight.

I had a bagel with cream cheese and jalapeƱo jelly for breakfast. It was good, but it's even better with crackers instead of the bagel. 

I thought it looked very Christmas-y.

We got ready and went to Mom's for an early dinner/late lunch. We got held up and didn't get to leave as soon as we had planned and I was starving so, I ate the little container of spinach feta pasta salad from The Fresh Market. It was yummy and just enough to tide me over until we got to Mom's. 

When we got there this is most of what the had. Somethings I didn't get pictures of, but I will post those later, since I did bring home leftovers as usual. 

Vegetable Lasagna

Regular Lasagna

Turkey breast

Garlic Toast

Seasoned Fries

There were also meatball subs, slaw, lettuce and tomato, which I didn't get pictures of. I had the vegetable lasagna, garlic toast, tomato, and seasoned fries.

There was red velvet cake for dessert, spritz cookies, magic bars and snickerdoodles. I did get a picture of the cake and the spritz cookies I got yesterday

For dessert I nibbled on a magic bar and one of the spritz cookies. Afterwards we opened presents. I was hogging the baby, so I didn't get a lot of pictures. 
Lexi got some pots and pans. She and Mary got a lot. They won't need more toys until next year. I racked up too. I will post pictures of my presents later.

Ahh the portable dvd.....actually a gift for Mom & Dad, huh?

Mary enjoying her Christmas dinner.

Dale (Ain't Jo Mama) modeling my scarf, a lovely Christmas present from Lindsay, which she made.

After I got home, I had a Morning Star Farms chik patty on regular sandwich bread (not my favorite) with fresh spinach leaves, mayo, and cracked pepper. I also had my Sour Melon powerade, I got today on the way to Mom's. I feel like icky pooh and I am hoping that staying hydrated will make me feel better. 

I am feeling a little better this Christmas morning. I was just feeling to crappy to get this out last night. I hope you are enjoying Christmas or at least enjoying the fact that it's almost over. What was your best gift this Christmas? Was it given or received?  Merry Christmas!

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