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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Missing My Banana Pudding Smoothie

It's chilly in the house this morning. My blood isn't moving yet. I was sleeping good when my alarm went off. I have an actual alarm now. I use to go to bed and several hours later I would just wake up, usually around 8 or 9 am. Now I have a hard time getting to sleep(except during the day) and a hard time waking up. My alarm is set for 7am, which is the best sleeping time for me. I am hoping my internal clock will get reset eventually. I do feel much better about blogging in the morning. I do some of it at night and finish when I get up. Before my eyes were always going together as I typed and the next day, I had no idea what I'd written.

Yesterday I had a peach smoothie for breakfast (after finishing my post). I added about a fourth of a tsp. of cinnamon to this one. It was yummy, but I am missing my banana pudding smoothie.

What's in the glass?
Canned Sliced Peaches
Vanilla Yogurt
Old Fashioned Oats
Ground Flax
Ice Cubes

I had a different combination of leftovers for lunch. I try to mix things up differently so it doesn't get boring.
Au Gratin Potatoes, Green Beans w/ Peppers, & Pinto Beans

This afternoon we went to Mom's. The guys mowed the grass and DH worked on the bathroom. The walls are looking much better. I always hated the part of filling and sanding sheet rock. I don't even do that part and I hate it. I can understand why people put up wallpaper. 

Mom & I took Lucas to JCPenney so he could get him a pair of pants for work, with a coupon Mom had. All we could find were shorts. He went ahead and got a pair of shorts since the coupon was for $10. He also wanted some Sesame Chicken for the Chinese place in the Mall. We got it to go, along with some spring rolls for me and egg rolls for DH. I had planned to get a couple of veggie egg rolls, but they were out. Springs rolls are too small, not enough filling, but I got them anyway.

I ate 3 of the spring rolls while I was reheating some sweet potato tots Mom had fixed. These are very good and would be great with the seasoning I put on my spicy sweet potatoes.

We also stopped and got blizzards on the way home from JCP. I got the Banana Pudding Blizzard. I told you I was missing my banana pudding smoothie. It was good, but my smoothie is better. I just ate half of the blizzard and was miserable for a while. Ice cream kind of blows me up.
Yesterday evening was not the best for food, nutritionally speaking, but I do that occasionally. The worse part is, I also had a bite size peanut butter snickers bar and a handful of potato chips at Moms and also 5 or 6 peanut butter pretzels at home after the blizzard wore off. We'll call this off camera grazing. This is what gets me into trouble. Once I start doing that, I just eat junk.

That was yesterday, today, I may be going out with Mom & Lynda so, I'd better get something done around the house, in case they call. Happy Wednesday! 

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