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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Changing My Routine

 *Updated 6-8-11

I think I am going to have to change my routine. I don't know how well this will work for me or how quick, I'll be able to accomplish it, but I am thinking of doing my blog posts for the day, the following morning. I think I will be less tired and I'll be able to provide a less hurried post, which will hopefully mean a little better content, but I'm not expecting a miracle.

I would however, like to get more sleep, which may help with my carb craving. I am posting today photos and I'll fill in the rest in the morning. Sorry to leave you hangin'. I am hoping to start getting up early. I'll just have to see how it goes before I decide to make it a permanent thing, bear with me please.

Alright y'all, I'm fresh as a daisy this morning. Up early, not as early as I'd have liked, but early. I had set an alarm, but I was apparently too tired to do that right so, it didn't go off. I think I forgot to change the am/pm thing to am.

Now I will tell you about my day.......I got up early yesterday, I couldn't sleep, didn't sleep well all night. Despite my lack of sleep, I did have a good day. It started off with a Strawberry Apple Smoothie. Ya, can't get much better than that.

I had good energy, at least the first part of the day. I worked out a little with my weights. I'm switching that to mornings also. I'm still doing my yoga before though. I cleaned house some too and got a good bit done. I'm still behind on my major/spring type cleaning. I'm hoping to get some of it out of the way with my new routine. I am aiming for better sleep quality, so that I am not so drained mentally and physically. 

Today was not the best food day nutritionally speaking. I just had some pasta salad for lunch and that's it.

I was still a little hungry after lunch so I had some Ritz crackers with peanut butter. Off brands are alright and I buy those most of the time, but the Ritz are a little fluffier and lighter, so every now and then it pays to get those, just so you appreciate them, lol.

This should have been carrots or broccoli.

No this is not a misplaced breakfast photo. I had another smoothie as my pre-Zumba workout snack, complete with fruit, yogurt, oatmeal, flax, & milk. This one has banana in it as well as strawberries and apple, thanks to a quick run to the grocery store. I also picked up a Smart Water for Zumba class and I also found a new electrolyte infused water called Function Water. I got it at Food Lion, but I'm going to check around a see if I can find it anywhere else. I looked online for it. It must be pretty new, because it was pretty hard to find online. I did find it though and from what I can tell only Food Lion carries it at the moment, but I'm not sure it's exclusive.

Zumba class was great. We did our workout to some summer oldies. I don't know if I was just tired or what, but it seemed like we got a better workout than usual. It was definitely hotter and I was definitely sweatier. It was our last class at that church until Fall. We will be starting our Tuesday classes at the other church were we have our Thursday class.
After I got home I had a big salad in a bowl. There a lot going on here and it looks like a mess, but it was pretty good.

What's In This Mess
Iceberg Lettuce
Black Beans
3 Hushpuppies
Light Ranch Dressing

Not much to look at, but very tasty.

I also had half of a frozen cookie n cream donut from Krispy Kreme. It wasn't bad. I do like Oreos. It also wasn't great for a donut. I think an Oreo Blizzard would be better, lol.

Well that was my day and I hope this one will be as good. Remember, I won't be posting tonight. I'm going to start doing my posts in the mornings. I will try and get the email subscriptions set up to come later so that nobody misses their email, so let me know if it doesn't work. If you haven't subscribed yet, please do. I welcome new subscribers and you can also follow me on Twitter, where I try to update frequently, definitely, if somethings up with the blog, so you'll be the first to know. Have a great day!

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