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Friday, November 18, 2011

Lean Cuisine Margherita Pizza Review

Another early post. I'll be busy tomorrow morning, so I'm getting this out of the way tonight. I'm very late getting started this evening. I tend to procrastinate too much, so I'll get right to point. 

This is my Thursday morning breakfast, another half a cranberry bagel with light cream cheese, raisins, walnuts and white chocolate chips.

Mid morning, I had a gingerbread man for a snack. It was the last one. I'd forgotten there was one left. He was a little broken, but still very tasty. He would have been great with a gingerbread latte. I actually had the cookie while I was fixing lunch. I waited a bit too long to get started on it and was very hungry.

I decided to fix a Lean Cuisine Wood Fire Style Margherita Pizza.
Nutritional Information
Serving Size: 1 (6.0 ounces)
Servings Per Package: 1
Amount Per Serving:
Calories 310
Calories From Fat 60
  %Daily Value*
Total Fat (g) 7 11%
Cholesterol (mg) 15 4%
Saturated Fat (g) 3 0
Sodium (mg) 460 19%
Trans Fat (g) 0

Potassium (mg) 320 9 %
Polyunsaturated Fat (g) 2

Total Carbohydrate(g) 46 15%
Monounsaturated Fat (g) 2

Dietary Fiber(g) 3 12%
Protein (g) 16

Sugars (g) 7
Diet Exchanges 1 Medium Fat Meat,2 1/2 Starch,1/2 Fat
Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Calories: 2,000 2,500
Total Fat Less Than 65g 80g
Sat Fat Less Than 20g 25g
Cholesterol Less Than 300mg 300mg
Sodium Less Than 2,400mg 2,400mg
Potassium Less Than 3,500mg 3,500mg
Total Carbohydrate 300g 375g
Dietary Fiber 25g 30g
Vegetable Servings** 2
**The USDA Food Guide Pyramid suggest 3-5 one-half cup servings of vegtables a day.

Weight Watchers® PointsPlus® *** 8
***Not endorsed by Weight Watchers®. PointsPlus® calculated by Nestlé.

This is how it looks straight out of the box.

I went for the crispier crust. They suggest increasing the cook time by 15 seconds for a crispier crust, but depending on your microwave it gets a little tougher as it cools, still not bad. It was warm all the way through and had a good flavor.

It might not be the best pizza you've ever eaten, but it fills the void and it definitely wasn't the worst. I liked the chunks of tomato. The cheese didn't have a lot of flavor though, luckily the tomatoes did.

I cut it with a pizza wheel into fourths and then cut a bite off using my fork. It was just slightly tough to cut. I decided to just pick up the pieces and eat it without the fork. I'd thought about adding some Parmesan in case it needed some extra flavor, but it wasn't necessary. I gave this pizza 4 stars, but just barely. I prefer oven baked pizza crust of course. This is great in a pinch though.

This is sort of a snack/dinner meal. I had leftover garbanzo beans, which I used to make a little hummus. I didn't really go by my hummus recipe because, I didn't have quite enough beans. I just improvised. I used tahini, lemon juice, garlic, onion powder, marjoram, and paprika, blended with my hand blender.

I ate carrot sticks and cucumber slices with the hummus. It turned out pretty good. 

The second half of dinner was a few onion rings with spicy ranch dressing for dipping.
Now I'm calling it a night. It's late and I will need to be up early tomorrow. I am certainly a glutton for punishment. Have a great night/ day!!!

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