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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Sleep Is Good, So Was Breakfast

After the first good night's sleep in a long time, I woke up this morning refreshed and ready for breakfast. I would just like to say how much I love ibubrofen PM. It was a last resort, I had to have some sleep. I even waited until 1am  to take them. I was hoping I would be able to sleep, but as usual, it wasn't happening. 

Anyway, I got up feeling better than I have in a while. I had an awesome breakfast, an english muffin, buttered and toasted. I also had some Chobani Greek vanilla yogurt topped with Yoder's peanut butter almond granola and their Goji berry health mix. It was super yummy. 

Thick and creamy....

Yummy berry goodness...

This is how ya eat it....

You really should try this....

I was able to get more done today than usual. I didn't spend the day yawning and irritable, unable to focus on anything. It's really been terrible trying to get things done when you can't focus and you feel like twisting someone's head off for breathing. I've really enjoyed my day, even though there wasn't any real excitement that took place. 

I had some of my broccoli soup for lunch today, with the last piece of broccoli cornbread to go with it, although I don't know if you could call it soup today. It seems that my noodles sucked up all the liquid. I thought it might liquefy a little when heated, but it didn't. It didn't matter though, It was still just as good and the broccoli cornbread went well with it. 

I had an orange for dessert. A sweet juicy navel orange. Sometimes I cut my oranges into sections and sometimes I peel them. This time I peeled my orange. It had a thick peel and it was a little messy trying to pull apart the sections. It didn't really cooperate. It looked terrible, but it tasted delicious.

I don't know.... I just felt like adding a shot of the peel, lol.

This didn't look much better than the peel...

Dinner was good, but not exactly what I was in the mood for. I had a Morning Star Farms chik patty sandwich on toast with a little spinach, red onion, mayo and cranberry chutney. I also had some macaroni salad with it. The sandwich was pretty good, but I'm not a big fan of store bought sandwich bread, you know those thin puny slices of air you can squish into a ball the size of a nickel. I am more into deli buns and rolls or bread similar to homemade. I like bread with body. I nibbled on the macaroni after I ate the sandwich. I didn't eat it all, I didn't eat most it. It just wasn't what I wanted. I think I have had my fill of macaroni salad. 

One shot... I just wan't impressed enough to take more.

  Well, it's late, I had a great day. I still feel good, not exhausted. It's amazing what a good night's sleep does for you. Hopefully I can start talking about something else now, right? Sleep well. Cya tomorrow. 

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