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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dinner Makes The Day

Another sleepy morning, the cooler nights have been nice, I even managed to get to bed an hour early last night, but I still feel like I could have slept longer. My stomach is rumbling, so I'll be making this quick.

Yesterday I tried a new smoothie for breakfast, but I'm not sure it was worth a spot on my recipe page. I used blueberries and a nectarine. I was disappointed with the result. I'm not sure exactly what I didn't like about it, but it was nothing to brag about. I'd bought 3 nectarines and 2 were rotten in the middle with no sign on the outside that there was anything wrong with them, so maybe it was just the nectarines that spoiled the smoothie. It just didn't have enough flavor, so for now this smoothie gets the thumbs down.

It was drinkable just not enjoyable.

For lunch I had Lean Cuisine's Four Cheese Cannelloni. It wasn't great either. The cannelloni noodles were tough on the bottom and the filling wasn't great. It was sort of pasty. The sauce was the best part. These were also edible, but not enjoyable.

I had a salad with the cannelloni. I made the salad using iceberg lettuce and spinach, yellow bell pepper, cucumber, and a few cherry tomatoes from the garden. BTW my garden is sort of a flop this year. I think I will have to try something different. The only thing that seems to be doing well are the peppers.

Lucas had made some dip using a packet of the Hidden Valley Ranch Fiesta Dip mix. He used half plain yogurt instead of sour cream and half light mayo. The result was basically the same. We use the yogurt because it needed to be used. I put some of it on my salad.

The salad dressing didn't really go with the cannelloni, but it was very good and made up for the fact that the cannelloni wasn't.

I had a piece of the apple from the freezer, which I let thaw for a few minutes, still yummy!

Now this was the best meal of the day. We made Dilled Roasted Red Potatoes and I fixed a salad to go along with them. This salad had the iceberg and spinach as well but no cherry tomatoes. I used red & yellow bell for color and a few cucumber slices.

We made the dressing from my Garden Pasta Salad w/ Cream Dill Dressing recipe. It was great on the salad and went perfectly with the potatoes.

We never have a problem with these potatoes going to waste. There were hardly any leftovers, just enough to make you mad.

This meal was worth waiting for. Now looking at all this food is driving me nuts. My  stomach is having a fit, so I'm off to get something to put in it. Get ready for lots more photos tomorrow. You know today is Sunday and there always lots of food on Sunday. Have a great day and enjoy your Sunday dinner!  BTW What are you having?

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