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Monday, October 31, 2011

Tummy Trouble

Late night last night, late start this morning. Yesterday started out pretty good with a nice hot cup of coffee, a pumpkin waffle with cream cheese drizzled with syrup & sprinkled with cinnamon, and half a gala apple thinly sliced.

Just a little creamer and coconut sugar in my coffee.

The waffle was super yummy!

Before going to Mom & Lynda's for Sunday dinner I had a cheesy snack. I coarsely chopped sharp white cheddar and sprinkled it over tortilla chip, then I put them in the microwave long enough to melt the cheese. I pulled apart the cheesy gooey chips and dipped them in hot fire roasted salsa which Lucas had pureed. He's picky and doesn't like the chunks so, if it gets him to eat it, I'm perfectly fine with it.

There was lots of food for our Sunday dinner. First up, a pan of vegetable lasagna which was pretty good except for the zucchini, which I picked out.

Fried Chicken

Cubed Steak

Broccoli Casserole

Mashed Potatoes


Green Beans & Potatoes

Salads w/ Cucumber & Tomato on the side.

I forgot to bring home pasta salad. I was feeling sort of overwhelmed yesterday for some reason.

Angel Biscuits

My plate was packed with a bit of everything. I had some of the lasagna, broccoli casserole, green beans, salad, potatoes, and also a MSF riblet, so that I wouldn't starve, lol.
I even tried a couple of Hershey's Pumpkin Spice Kisses and had a cup of coffee off camera a little later.
Needless to say, I was stuffed after eating all that food. I really didn't eat quite all that was on my plate. My stomach was feeling kind of yucky since my morning snack and yet I ate too much anyway. It continued to get worse after dinner. I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day. I did fix a cup of Moroccan Mint Tea to try and sooth my stomach, but I didn't get to drink much of it. 

Lindsay and Reese called needing me to take care of the girls while Lindsay went to the hospital. She has been having severe acid reflux problems during her pregnancy. We dropped everything and rushed over to their house to pick up the girls. It was a late night getting them settled and waiting for Lindsay & Reese to get back. I didn't get a lot of blogging accomplished, got to bed super late and slept in this morning, which is why I'm getting this post out late. Luckily everything is fine and everyones' tummies are straightened, for the moment. Now I'm off to feed my puppies who tummies are empty and are impatiently waiting for their food. Happy Monday & Happy Halloween!!!

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